Special Crystal body layouts
Crystals are the vehicle by which we experience these high frequencies and energies. Crystals frequencies directly correlate to certain chakras making crystals an extremely useful healing method. Crystals have calming vibrations. There are many unique paths to take when connecting with crystals and their vibrations. While there is no one-size-fits-all method for crystal healing, the process of healing comes from intention. Similar to a massage, crystal healing is a practice that is intended for relaxing, restoring, and renewing yourself, but on a much deeper, more connected level. Crystal healing is most effective when intentions are set and energy channels are open and susceptible to repairing the soul.
Attracts financial wealth, encourages career success, maximizing your potential.
Release from addictive mindsets and urges. Awareness of addictive crutches in our life. Encouragement to find freedom from emotional, behavioral and physical dependencies.
Anger can be caused by many different triggers. If we trace an angry outburst the root is almost always from fear, pain and disconnection.
This crystal layout will reduce the frequency or intensity of rage- based emotions. Increased patience and emotional Stability. Reduced feelings of frustration. Improved relationships. Greater calm and emotional balance.
Anxiety and Stress-
Relief from stress, anxiety and panic attacks. Releases obsessive or overwhelming thoughts. helps with mental clarity and prospective. provides relief from stress induced headaches and helps calm the overactive mind.
Balance and Alignment
Back Pain
Body Pain
Chakra Cleanse and Alignment
Chakra Balance
Clairvoyance and Dreams
Clarity and Focus
Cleansing and Detoxification
Communication and Public Speaking
Confidence and Self Esteem
Clarity seeing the path ahead | Direction and guidance I Assistance in reconnecting with our purpose | Support through feelings of uselessness or inertia | Assistance in determining the next step I Support for getting 'back on track'
Emotional Trauma
These high-vibrational healing stones bring understanding and acceptance to an emotionally painful situation.
They also work well together to cast illumination on painful events that have transpired, so we can view them in a more cosmic and expanded light.
IFor a person who has low energy, we have to consider what is causing the lethargy. Life factors play a huge role. Some causes are iron deficiency, poor diet, sluggish digestive system, compromised immune system, lack of sleep, lack of motivation or self worth, disconnection form our purpose. The stones used will help increase energy, increased motivation, Feeling more alert and awake, greater stamina and Vitality.
This Body Layout helps overcoming fear phobias. Identification and release of fear -based success blockers. Support for times of fear -based instability (such as being alone after a break up, fear of financial insecurities during unemployment) Transformation of fear into growth.
Forgivness and Letting go
This layout is powerful healing for those who need to let go and release old pain and trauma. It is beneficial for clearing the pathway for moving forward with renewed direction, freedom and positivity. Some healing outcomes are releasing painful past. Support for moving on from a traumatic life event. Release of no- serving emotions such ad bitterness, guilt, resentment, blame, betrayal, sadness and prolonged grief. Getting unstuck from a rut, support through unexpected transition and change.
Grounding and Stability
Happiness and Joy
Heal the Past
We all have experienced that feeling of being lost at some point in our lives that can be triggered from the lost of a loved one, loss of a job, a relationship break up. At these times we can feel dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment, overwhelmed by feelings of uncertainty, Creativity seeing the path ahead. Assistance and reconnection with your purpose. It is important to remember there is always a positive path forward. This Crystal healing will Support through feelings of uselessness and feeling lost. Assistance in determining the next step and getting back on tract.
Health and Wellness-
This layout will give you an increased feeling of wellness. Feeling refreshed and balanced.Supports mild illness and fatigue. Leaves you feeling nourished and nurtured.
The layout is designed to support health and wellness throughout the body's energy system for people of all ages. This layout combines the. stones that supports the brain and higher consciousness, and channel spiritual awareness along with wisdom into the mind. They help support calm and relaxing energy to help experience restorative sleep and peace within. Relaxes tension and can calm emotional anxiety. Helps to cleanse the body of toxins, digestive system, grounding and so many other amazing benefits.
Healing the Past and Inner Peace
We all have experienced that feeling of being lost at some point in our lives that can be triggered from the lost of a loved one, loss of a job, a relationship break up. At these times we can feel dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment, overwhelmed by feelings of uncertainty, Creativity seeing the path ahead. Assistance and reconnection with your purpose. It is important to remember there is always a positive path forward. This Crystal healing will Support through feelings of uselessness and feeling lost. Assistance in determining the next step and getting back on tract.
Hormonal imbalance Female
Inner Peace
Immune Health
Letting Go
" Each and every being has an innate ability to heal as a gift from the gods."
- Mikao Usui.
Contact me to schedule an appointment!
This layout radiates with love, support, self- confidence and emotional healing, which are key when inviting love into your life.We need to heal and learn to love our selves before we can love another. Healing outcomes are release from emotional trauma and heartache. Opening the heart chakra. Acceptance, trust, love and forgiveness. Emotional support and connection. Attracting a soulmate or partner. Reconnecting to the emotional self. Acceptance of vulnerability.
This healing layout helps prepare the body energetically for pregnancy. Healing support through fertility treatments and IVF. Enhancing the fertile window of opportunity for pregnancy. This layout is ideally performed on a woman with no underlying biological risk factors and who is at the start of her pregnancy journey. The goal is to provide fertility support and promote speedier conception and a healthier pregnancy.
This body layout increases self esteem and confidence. It reconnects you with personal power. Releases negative projections. Self forgiveness, love and acceptance.